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Dandy's World Wiki
Spare Bulb Trinket "Blackout!"

This article contains unreleased content, which may appear in future updates.


  1. This page will contain future content that will be coming to Dandy's World. If you would like to add something to the page, please put it in the corresponding section of the page and add a gallery with a piece of evidence of the content that can be a screenshot or a video from the BlushCrunch Studio Discord Server from Qwel, the BlushCrunch Official TikTok Account or the Qwel YouTube Channel.
  2. When the content has been added to the game, the corresponding information will be removed, but some information will stay, and the text will be changed until new information is available to be added.
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Unknown Circus Troupe Toons[]

On Looey's information card, it says that he is in a Three Toon Circus Act and in Looey’s dialogue with Razzle & Dazzle and Connie it mentions this Circus Act and also tells us their group name being the Circus Troupe. These two Toons are currently unknown, other than one of the possible being a Mime, but they will be new Toons for a future update. Qwel has stated that the two Toons will be shown publicly in the future, whether or not they will be playable is up to speculation, but Qwel has many designs on the back burner meaning they might have some unused designs left over when released, but Qwel can't wait to introduce them in the future.

Holiday Main Characters[]

In Twisted Bobette's research quote, it says "One of the Holiday Main Characters of Dandy’s World...", meaning that for a major holiday, there could be more Holiday Main Character Toons.

Children Toons[]

When Qwel was asked about if Toons who are Toodles' age would be added, Qwel hinted to them coming in the future.

Sewer Toon[]

In one of Shelly's and Sprout's interactions Shelly says, "Oh I have a friend who's teaching me some about sewing!" and since this friend is not named it can be assumed that this is an upcoming Toon who is a sewer.


Purchasable Skins[]

These are purchasable Dandy's Store items and can either be a simple recolor or with extra accessories. There are only 2 protentional skins which are likely to be coming, while not having any concept art nor theme, these being a Chocolate-Dipped Sprout and a Strawberry Cake Cosmo.

Halloween Skins[]

Due to the firing of the ex-co-owner, the 2024 Halloween update was delayed. This event would have included skins. The only skin we have seen from this event is the Dragon Scraps skin. All Halloween event skins have unfortunately been delayed for the 2025 Halloween update.

Star-Time Bobette Skin[]

Due to Bobette being in the Main category, she might be getting a Star-Time skin like the other Main Toons. However, Qwel is currently unsure if Bobette should get a Star-Time skin due to her being a Holiday Main as well and not a normal Main.

Skin Tickets[]

It is safe to assume that new colors of skin Tickets will be added to the game by future updates. The Red Ticket shows a Sprout icon, meaning the other future tickets will probably have other Main Characters on them.


Gift Shop Balancing[]

Confirmed by Qwel, in a future update, the machine spots in the maze area of the Gift Shop will be moved, and/or the Twisteds' path finding for the floor will be changed for them to explore less through the maze area. This to ensure the maze section is to be a safe spot for Toons, which is what it was originally designed to be.

Discover Fun with Shelly poster fix[]

In a future update, the Discover Fun with Shelly poster will be getting a small fix, changing the opening of her shell as it has been on the wrong side of her head since its inclusion, being on the left side of her head when it should have been on the right.

Floor Events[]

In the 12/5/2024 QNA stream, Qwel stated that there are potentially going to be new floor events similar to blackouts being in the game. However, it is currently unknown what these events will be since none have been thought of yet.

Game Mechanics[]

Toons Changes[]

Scraps Rework[]

Qwel has considered the idea of Scraps latching onto a machine when using her ability, but it is unsure if this change will happen. Though, when asked if she had plans to rework a Toon similar to Pebble in v0.3.0, she said she wanted to update Scraps.

Brightney Mastery Rework[]

Qwel has decided that Brightney's "Experience 15 Blackouts!" Mastery quest is to be lowered from 15 to 13. This was decided by in a poll which was held on the Discord server.


In a future update, some toons will have more interactions between each other. It is unconfirmed of which toons interact with which toon. Qwel has stated in a QnA that Razzle & Dazzle will likely have an interaction with Brightney and stated that it’s weird Shelly and Cosmo don’t have a interaction even though Shelly was the one that introduced Sprout to Cosmo.

Bobette Interaction SFX[]

Currently, Bobette doesnt have an in-game SFX for when she talks, Qwel confirmed she is supposed to have one but forgot to implement it when the 2024 Christmas Event released. Currently it is unknown when this will be implemented.

Twisteds Changes[]

Twisted Dandy Buff[]

In a Discord message from Qwel, it's stated that she has heard about how people don't find Twisted Dandy scary, so she has thought about giving him a slight raise to his chasing speed. While this buff has been taken into consideration, it has not been fully confirmed.

Trinket Changes[]

Coal Buff[]

Qwel has stated that she has thought about lowering the speed debuff of the Coal Trinket from 20% to 10%. This will ultimately be decided by a poll that will be held on the Discord server.


When the Game exits Alpha/Beta and enters in full release, the Tutorial for Dandy's World will be added in order to teach new players how to play the game, and in completing the Tutorial, players might be given a Roblox Badge. The Tutorial will be a more extensive and in-depth version of the Information, explaining gameplay mechanics and features.

Daily Twisted Board Rebalance[]

In a future update, the Daily Twisted Board will be updated but it is unsure how it will be done. The reason why is because of the same Twisteds appearing on the board multiple days in a row.


Qwel has stated that gifting could be a nice addition sometime in the future. It’s unknown what will be available for gifting, but gamepasses are likely to be included, as this feature is common in many other games.

Login Rewards[]

In the 12/5/2024 QNA stream, Qwel stated that she's thought about adding login rewards for joining the game each day.

Quick Communication Mechanic[]

In the 12/5/2024 QNA stream, Qwel stated that she has thought about adding in a mechanic that will allow for quick communication in game, it is unsure how this may work.



There is currently 1 piece of UGC known to be released for Dandy's World, that being a new version of the Flutter Wings UGC.

Roleplay Mode Updates[]

Toon Handlers[]

Qwel asked the community if the Toon Handlers should be added to the Roleplay Mode. Many players wanted them to be added, so they will likely be added in a future update.

Stylized UI[]

In a future update, most of the UI will be changed to be more stylized, clean, and all more accessible, due to the UI being very simple, and with the current UI was created by the ex-co-owner, Qwel wishes to change this.

New Tape Model[]

In a future update the Tape item model will be updated to look more like a VHS Tape and the Tape Icon.

Model Changes[]

Qwel plans for the new modelers to rework and upgrade the Toons and Twisteds to be more lively, such as adding more joints to characters; allowing for more detailed animations with custom walking and running animations, especially for Razzle & Dazzle, hopefully having their animation varied to fit the personality of who is leading (Razzle on odd floors, Dazzle on even floors). She also plans to have the Toons be able to blink (which has been seen on Looey, Connie, Rudie, Ginger, Coal, and Bobette, along with their Twisted counterparts). The designs will stay the same, but the newer models will include less tris, which will make rendering and modelling them easier and will increase frame rate for players with lower frame rate and aid the game in performing more smoothly. Due to the upcoming updated Tape model the Tapes on Twisted Dandy's body will be changed to the new tape model in his new remodel.

It is believed that these model optimizations will be included in upcoming updates. It is unknown when this update will be.

List of Non-Updated Models[]


Qwel is thinking about adding pins to the merch Store and maybe stickers and a shirt as well, but this is not yet 100% confirmed but is possible to be coming in the future.
