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Do not let this Twisted's size fool you. Toodles is a volatile Twisted that chases Toons with her high speed. Thankfully, this Twisted's attention span is rather low, so if you can get out of sight you should be safe from her.
Twisted Research

Twisted Toodles is an Uncommon Twisted found in Dandy's World. Upon 100% completion of her Research, you will acquire the Dog Plush Trinket.


Twisted Toodles' head is a gray, almost black 8-ball. She has a white spot on her forehead with a gray number "8" which is heavily covered in ichor. The top of her head is broken and dripping, revealing a mass of internal ichor. She has black messy blush underneath her eyes and she wears a white, sleeveless dress that has a gray hood and two black drawstrings hanging from it. She usually has an unsettlingly large grin on her face that reveals her sharp teeth. Some ichor drips from her mouth. Her right hand and her legs are covered and stained with Ichor.


Twisted Toodles is a roaming Twisted that possesses no special Abilities. Reflecting her childish counterpart, her Attention Span is weak and she can easily lose track of the player. However, she is the third fastest Twisted in the game and easily one of the biggest threats on any Floor. Thankfully, making 3 sharp turns normally shakes her off your trail, so use this to your advantage!

If you plan to distract her, losing her line of sight is barely a problem with her speed. Though, distracting with four-star movement speed can still be tricky even with Dog Plush and Speedy Shoes, as you are just slightly faster than her. Using Pebble is a great choice to keep distracting steadily, even in Panic Mode. Remember to check your distance from her. If she's catching up to you, sprint is a must to keep yourself safe. Repeating this until everybody is in the elevator is a smart way to keep your hearts. This technique can also be used with Twisted Shelly and Twisted Gigi.


  • Before update, Twisted Toodles was originally a Common tier Twisted, but she was moved into Uncommon tier. Her placement was taken by Twisted Tisha. She was moved because she was extremely fast compared to other Twisteds in the Common tier and was oftentimes as scary as some of the rarer Twisteds.
    • This makes her the first and only Twisted with this change.
    • Due to this, she is the only Uncommon Twisted with no ability.
  • The low Attention Span that she has is based on her description, which most likely comes from her age.
    • While it is not immediately obvious, Twisted Toodles' low Attention Span could also be interpreted as her attention being rather random, similarly to her Toon Counterpart's own randomness with her Ability Toodlesability Beginner's Luck where she can roll any bonus to a stat. Every single one has a 20 to 10 chance.
  • Before the 8/14/2024 Update, Twisted Toodles was the second fastest Twisted in the game, the first being Twisted Pebble. She was later demoted to the third fastest Twisted, her spot taken by Twisted Glisten.
  • After the 9/28/2024 Update, Twisted Toodles ran on two legs while chasing Toons.
    • This was shortly changed back to crawling. However, the animation is slightly different, resembling a baby's crawl.


Twisted Boxten Render Twisted BoxtenTwisted Cosmo Render Twisted CosmoTwisted Looey Render Twisted LooeyTwisted Poppy Render Twisted PoppyTwisted Shrimpo Render Twisted ShrimpoTwisted Tisha Render Twisted Tisha
Twisted Brightney Render Twisted BrightneyTwisted Connie Render Twisted ConnieTwisted Finn Render Twisted FinnTwisted Razzle & Dazzle Render Twisted Razzle & DazzleTwisted Rodger Render Twisted RodgerTwisted Teagan Render Twisted TeaganTwisted Toodles Render Twisted Toodles
Twisted Flutter Render Twisted FlutterTwisted Gigi Render Twisted GigiTwisted Glisten Render Twisted GlistenTwisted Goob Render Twisted GoobTwisted Scraps Render Twisted Scraps
Main Character
Twisted Astro Render Twisted AstroTwisted Pebble Render Twisted PebbleTwisted Shelly Render Twisted ShellyTwisted Sprout Render Twisted SproutTwisted Vee Render Twisted Vee
Twisted Dandy Render Twisted Dandy
Twisted Bobette Render Twisted BobetteTwisted Coal Render Twisted CoalTwisted Ginger Render Twisted GingerTwisted Rudie Render Twisted Rudie