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A more uncommon Twisted, Teagan has let her greed take over. This Twisted will steal a considerable amount of a Toon's Tapes when she attacks them. Be sure to spend your Tapes while you have them!
Twisted Research

Twisted Teagan is a Uncommon Twisted found in Dandy's World. Upon 100% completion of her Research, you will acquire the Fancy Purse Trinket.


Twisted Teagan being less disciplined than her Toon counterpart, still has a few changes. Her mouth, base and arms are covered in Ichor, and her boa is missing. Her eyes are not relaxed like her Toon counterpart but instead angry. Her arms also seem to be tensed up. Her bottom part of her handle is slightly covered in Ichor. Her dress is no longer as long as it was but instead torn and her head full of Ichor.


Twisted Teagan is a roaming Twisted similar to other Twisteds who wander the halls aimlessly. Reflecting her Toon Counterpart's ability, she will steal a fourth or an eighth depending on how much Tapes you have when she hits you. If you are doing a Dandy Run, she isn't too big of a threat due to Tapes having little worth, unless you are playing as Teagan herself, or as Sprout.


  • Twisted Teagan is the second Twisted who appears to be angry, the first being Twisted Vee and the third being Twisted Coal.
  • Twisted Teagan's ability might be based off bandits, considering she steals Tapes from you if she manages to hit you.
  • In Teagan's dialogue with Rodger, she mentions being able to keep her fur boa clean. She appears to stay true to her words, as her arms and shoulders are covered in Ichor, leading to her having no boa.


Twisted Boxten Render Twisted BoxtenTwisted Cosmo Render Twisted CosmoTwisted Looey Render Twisted LooeyTwisted Poppy Render Twisted PoppyTwisted Shrimpo Render Twisted ShrimpoTwisted Tisha Render Twisted Tisha
Twisted Brightney Render Twisted BrightneyTwisted Connie Render Twisted ConnieTwisted Finn Render Twisted FinnTwisted Razzle & Dazzle Render Twisted Razzle & DazzleTwisted Rodger Render Twisted RodgerTwisted Teagan Render Twisted TeaganTwisted Toodles Render Twisted Toodles
Twisted Flutter Render Twisted FlutterTwisted Gigi Render Twisted GigiTwisted Glisten Render Twisted GlistenTwisted Goob Render Twisted GoobTwisted Scraps Render Twisted Scraps
Main Character
Twisted Astro Render Twisted AstroTwisted Pebble Render Twisted PebbleTwisted Shelly Render Twisted ShellyTwisted Sprout Render Twisted SproutTwisted Vee Render Twisted Vee
Twisted Dandy Render Twisted Dandy
Twisted Bobette Render Twisted BobetteTwisted Coal Render Twisted CoalTwisted Ginger Render Twisted GingerTwisted Rudie Render Twisted Rudie