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Megaphone "WARNING!"

This Twisted is the Twisted that is most likely to appear today!

A more uncommon Twisted, Brightney uses her knowledge and cunning to tamper with the lighting system, increasing the chance of a Blackout occuring on the Floor she resides in. Be sure to come prepared if this happens!
Twisted Research

Twisted Brightney is an Uncommon Twisted found in Dandy's World. Upon 100% completion of her Research, you will acquire the Spare Bulb Spare Bulb Trinket.


Twisted Brightney, despite being similar to her Toon counterpart, she still has a few changes. She has white blush underneath her eyes as well as white arms; only her left arm is covered with Ichor, but both of her legs are covered in Ichor. Her right eye is covered with Ichor and her white light has changed into a red color, just like her eyes, causing her to emit a red light instead of a white light, unlike her Toon counterpart. Her normal, joyful smile has changed into a sad frown.


Twisted Brightney is a roaming Twisted easily made visible by her red glow, which can be seen even through walls. She is somewhat like Twisted Poppy Render Twisted Poppy, Twisted Cosmo Render Twisted Cosmo, and Twisted Boxten Render Twisted Boxten, so simply just trying to get out of her line of sight will work. She gives off a red glow, so knowing whether or not she's close is easy, especially on Blackouts. Because of her Ability, If a Blackout occurs when there's dangerous Twisteds on the Floor, then all you can do is hope for the best. This Twisted has a slightly higher Attention Span than an average Twisted, so keep that in mind if trying to lose her in a chase.


  • Twisted Brightney gives herself away with her red light, much how the actual Brightney's Ability can expose the location of Twisteds during a Blackout. She additionally can cause a Blackout herself, whereas the regular Brightney's Ability aids in dealing with Blackouts.
  • In Roleplaying Mode, Twisted Brightney does not give off the red glow that can be seen in the main game. Twisted Rudie Render Twisted Rudie also shares this trait.
  • A sound of lamp switch switching, then followed by a short circuit will be played if she is present, Blackout chance gets re-rolled, and Blackout is chosen to occur.
  • Whenever she stops roaming or loses sight of a Toon, she shakes her head.
  • Twisted Brightney is one of the two Twisteds who can emit light. The other being Twisted Rudie Render Twisted Rudie.


Twisted Boxten Render Twisted BoxtenTwisted Cosmo Render Twisted CosmoTwisted Looey Render Twisted LooeyTwisted Poppy Render Twisted PoppyTwisted Shrimpo Render Twisted ShrimpoTwisted Tisha Render Twisted Tisha
Twisted Brightney Render Twisted BrightneyTwisted Connie Render Twisted ConnieTwisted Finn Render Twisted FinnTwisted Razzle & Dazzle Render Twisted Razzle & DazzleTwisted Rodger Render Twisted RodgerTwisted Teagan Render Twisted TeaganTwisted Toodles Render Twisted Toodles
Twisted Flutter Render Twisted FlutterTwisted Gigi Render Twisted GigiTwisted Glisten Render Twisted GlistenTwisted Goob Render Twisted GoobTwisted Scraps Render Twisted Scraps
Main Character
Twisted Astro Render Twisted AstroTwisted Pebble Render Twisted PebbleTwisted Shelly Render Twisted ShellyTwisted Sprout Render Twisted SproutTwisted Vee Render Twisted Vee
Twisted Dandy Render Twisted Dandy
Twisted Bobette Render Twisted BobetteTwisted Coal Render Twisted CoalTwisted Ginger Render Twisted GingerTwisted Rudie Render Twisted Rudie