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Toy Kit Trinket Limited Content

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Toy Kit is a Trinket found in Dandy's World. It is obtained by achieving 100% Research on Twisted Bobette.


Toy Kit resembles a red toolbox containing two cans of different shades of green paint in the inside. A wavy, lighter red line decorates every side of the box. Its handles or top flaps each have a round hole at the top. A red-handled paintbrush with white bristles and a green ferrule and a hammer with a red and green handle sit in front of the toolbox. A pool of lime paint has spilled under the paintbrush and part of the toolbox. The brush's tip is also covered in this paint.


Toy Kit is more beneficial for Toons with a high active ability cooldown like Coal, Gigi, Ginger, and Glisten. It can also find some use with Sprout, and Teagan. (However, Tape requirements worsen this relationship).

Vee likely benefits most from this Trinket as using her ability during both Panic Mode and at the beginning of floors is very beneficial. Toons who use their abilities during Panic Mode often such as Astro and Pebble also receive slightly more value.

Toy Kit is best used for obtaining Mastery on Toons that require ability uses and have long ability cooldowns when playing in a group or multitasking for machine completion. Pairing this Trinket with Sweet Charm/Ghost Snakes In A Can is recommended if this is your goal. This Trinket is probably not a good choice otherwise.

Since most Toon abilities are saved for the proper moment instead of being fired off immediately (i.e. chases or saving teammates), refreshing them in the elevator doesn't carry much value as every moment spent without using the ability wastes more of this Trinket's effect. It also loses value the higher the floor depending on the Toon used, which is not ideal. Swapping it for a more useful Trinket or even Sweet Charm/Ghost Snakes In A Can is usually be the best option unless you're going for a very specific team build.



Alarm AlarmBlushy Bat Blushy BatCardboard 'Armor' Cardboard 'Armor'Coin Purse Coin PurseMachine Manual Machine ManualMegaphone MegaphonePop Pack Pop PackPull Toy Pull ToySpeedometer SpeedometerSpeedy Shoes Speedy ShoesThermos ThermosThinking Cap Thinking CapWater Cooler Water CoolerWrench Wrench
Blue Bandana Blue BandanaBrick BrickClown Horn Clown HornFeather Duster Feather DusterPink Bow Pink BowSweet Charm Sweet Charm
Dog Plush Dog PlushFancy Purse Fancy PurseFishing Rod Fishing RodGhost Snakes In A Can Ghost Snakes In A CanMagnifying Glass Magnifying GlassRibbon Spool Ribbon SpoolSpare Bulb Spare Bulb
Crayon Set Crayon SetDiary DiaryFriendship Bracelet Friendship BraceletLucky Coin Lucky CoinVanity Mirror Vanity Mirror
Main Character
Bone BoneNight Cap Night CapParticipation Award Participation AwardSavory Charm Savory CharmVee's Remote Vee's Remote
LethalLethal Dandy Plush Dandy Plush
Coal (Trinket) Coal (Trinket)Festive Lights Festive LightsPeppermint Icing Peppermint IcingToy Kit Toy Kit