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The Toon Handlers are a set of 5 humans seen on a set of framed portraits in one variant of the "Greenhouse" and in the Toons Rooms in the Roleplaying Mode. Their role and purposes are currently unknown, but they each appear to be assigned to a specific "main character" Toon in the cast. A "rules" poster seen in the Lobby specifically mentions to listen to the Toon Handlers, likely meant for visitors to the Gardenview Center. In later updates more information may be available on what they did and where they're placed in the Game's story.


The Toon Handlers are tall humans that wear coloured shirts with white buttons, with short sleeves and long pants which are darker shade of their vests, and with their boots being an even darker shade. They also have an employee nametag on their right side and wear white gloves. The nametag is white with a symbol of their respected Toon they are handling.

Toon Handler Dandy
  • Name: Devan Reed
  • Gender: Male
  • Assigned Toon: L-001 and M-001
  • Appearance: Dark brown hair, pale skin
  • Uniform: Dark grey short sleeve shirt and long pants, white vest, black boots, Handler nametag, and white gloves.
  • Info: Unknown

Toon Handler Astro
  • Name: Austin Russo
  • Gender: Male
  • Assigned Toon: M-002
  • Appearance: Black hair with a tuff sticking out, fair skin
  • Uniform: Dark blue short sleeve shirt and long pants, blue vest, navy blue Boots, Handler nametag, and white gloves.
  • Info: Unknown

Toon Handler Sprout
  • Name: Sam Mclaughlin
  • Gender: Non-Binary[1]
  • Assigned Toon: M-003
  • Appearance: Orange hair tied back into a hair bun, fair skin
  • Uniform: Maroon short sleeve shirt and long pants, red vest, dark maroon boots, Handler nametag, and white gloves.
  • Info: 092-Radio Transcript somewhat implies they were in charge of safety.

Toon Handler Shelly
  • Name: Shanon Mendez
  • Gender: Female
  • Assigned Toon: M-004
  • Appearance: Blond hair tied into a low ponytail, tan skin
  • Uniform: Brown sleeve shirt and long pants, orange vest, dark brown boots, Handler nametag, and white gloves.
  • Info: Unknown

Toon Handler Vee
  • Name: Veronica Hurley
  • Gender: Female
  • Assigned Toon: M-005
  • Appearance: Short, straight, brown-ish/black hair, dark brown skin
  • Uniform: Green sleeve shirt and long pants, lime vest, dark green boots, Handler nametag, and white gloves
  • Info: Unknown

The Toon Handlers all appear to either have black shades or shadows cast by their hair covering their eyes.

Toon Handlers[]


092-Radio Transcript[]

092- RADIO TRANSCRIPT M-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 L-1

Austin Russo: Hey didn't Delilah tell one of us to throw out the old 'founders' photos?

Shanon Mendez: Not it!

Devan Reed: Not it either, Arthur already has me working overtime with Dandy.

Sam Mclaughlin: I'll get to it eventually been too busy with Sprout.

Can't we get janitorial to handle this??

Veronica Hurley: You've said you'd do it eventually for forever.

Sam Mclaughlin: Too busy making sure this place doesn't burn down, I need this job!


  • Currently, the Main Toons are the only Toons that are confirmed to have assigned toon handlers.
  • Devan, Austin and Shanon mirror their toons personality, meanwhile Sam and Veronica contrast them.
    • Austin looks nervous, and Astro hides behind him.
      • Austin is most likely also scared of photography.
    • Shanon is waving along with Shelly and has a smile.
    • Devan has the same smile as Dandy and wears white and grey, matching Pebble.
    • Veronica seems unconfident and worried, contrasting to Vee waving at the camera.
    • Sam seems rude and might have an attitude, contrasting to Sprout's kind personality and his smile to the camera.
  • Shanon is the only Handler who doesn't wear the same colour as their Toon. Shelly is beige, but Shanon wears orange.
  • Devan's picture is the only one that's tilted.
  • Astro seems to be hiding behind his Handler. This is most likely because he doesn't like photography, as seen in this poster.
  • Devan is the only handler that has been assigned to two Toons, those being Dandy and Pebble.
  • Sam is confirmed to look androgynous, as stated in the BlushCrunch Discord Server QnA.
  • The portraits of the Toon Handlers used to be in one of the Warehouse Floors, but was moved to one of the new Greenhouse Floors.
    • The original area was expanded and connected to the rest of the floor, allowing players to have a new spot to escape Twisteds from.
  • Sam is the first character in Dandy’s World to be Non-Binary using they/them pronouns. Before the Toon Handlers’ names were revealed, Qwel referred to them as Toon Handler 1 - 5 (Their numbering has nothing to do with the lore).
    • Austin was 1, Shanon was 2, Devan was 3, Veronica was 4 and Sam was 5.
  • Austin was the first Handler that was modelled, and is also Qwel's favourite.
  • The names for every Handler were revealed in one of the Warehouse Floors, in a note on Delilah Keen's photo.
  • The names of the Handlers start with the same letter as their respective Toons. (Devan - Dandy, Austin - Astro, Sam - Sprout, Shanon - Shelly, Veronica - Vee)
  • Sam's name could likely be a play on YouTuber Jacksepticeye's real name, Sean Mcloughlin.


  1. Non-binary Sam