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Stats are modifiers that affect a Toon's gameplay elements. Every Toon has 6 stats: Health, Skill Check, Movement Speed, Stamina, Stealth, and Extraction Speed. All stats except health are ranked in stars. Stats with 5 stars hold the highest stat value, and stats with 1 star hold the lowest. The more stars the stat has, the more potent the stat is.

Below is a list of values for all stats (except Health) based on how many stars each stat has.

Stats/Star Count ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Skill Check Size 50 100 150 200 250
Value 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Movement Speed Walking 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Running 20 22.5 25 27.5 30
Stamina 100 125 150 175 200
Stealth 0 (-99 if Shrimpo is used) 5 10 15 20
Extraction Speed 0.75 0.85 1.00 1.20 1.50

Toon stats[]

Full Article: Toon Stats List

Each Toon has a unique stat spread. Normal Toons have 15 stars in total. Main Character Toons receive an extra star, having 16 stars in total. Shrimpo is the only exception to this rule, having only 5 stars, one star for each stat.


Health shows how much damage you can take from Twisteds before your Toon dies. Most toons start with 3 hearts, while Main Characters only have 2 hearts.

Skill Check[]

Skill Check determines how big the skill check window is and how much your extraction progress is increased for hitting a perfect skill check (hitting the golden area) when on a Machine. Currently, Shelly RenderShelly and Gigi RenderGigi have the highest stat for skill check with 5 stars (size: 250 units, value: 3 units), while Shrimpo RenderShrimpo and Cosmo RenderCosmo have the lowest with 1 star (size: 50 units, value: 1 unit).

Movement Speed[]

Movement Speed determines how fast your Toon can walk and sprint. Currently, Pebble RenderPebble, Razzle & Dazzle Render Razzle & Dazzle on odd floors, and Looey RenderLooey on one heart have the highest stat for movement speed with 5 stars (walk: 20 units, run: 30 units). Shrimpo RenderShrimpo, Razzle & Dazzle Render Razzle & Dazzle on even floors, and Connie RenderConnie has the lowest with 1 star (walk: 10 units, run: 20 units).


Stamina determines how long you can spend running. Stamina depletes quickly while running and fills up slowly[1] over time when not in use. Currently Scraps RenderScraps, Sprout RenderSprout and Bobette RenderBobette have the highest stat for stamina with 5 stars (200 max stamina), and Shrimpo RenderShrimpo and Gigi RenderGigi have the lowest with 1 star (100 max stamina).


Stealth determines the detection range of your Toon and what targets Twisteds will chase. The higher the stealth, the closer a Twisted has to be in order to initiate a chase. Twisteds will also always prioritize the nearest Toon with the lowest stealth. Currently, Astro RenderAstro and Connie RenderConnie have the highest stat for stealth at 5 stars (20 units), while Shrimpo RenderShrimpo and Brightney RenderBrightney have the lowest with 1 star (-99 and 0 units respectively).

Extraction Speed[]

Extraction Speed determines how fast your Toon can passively fill up machines. Currently,Vee RenderVee, Razzle & Dazzle RenderRazzle & Dazzle on even floors, and Glisten RenderGlisten have the highest stat for extraction speed with 5 stars (1.50 units/30 seconds), while Pebble RenderPebble, Razzle & Dazzle RenderRazzle & Dazzle on odd floors, and Shrimpo RenderShrimpo have the lowest with 1 star (0.75 units/60 seconds).

Light Producing Toons[]

Light Producing Toons produce a larger than average amount of light when blackouts occur. They are signified by a lightbulb icon in their stats menu. The only Light Producing Toons as of version 0.6.1 are Astro RenderAstro, Brightney RenderBrightney, Connie RenderConnie, Rudie RenderRudie, and Vee RenderVee. These Toons also have colored lights, depending on if the Toon has a skin or not. Astro and Connie have blue lights, Rudie has a red light, Vee has a green light, and Brightney has a white light.


  • The stats colors follow the same color pattern of Dandy's Petals, that being red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple/violet.
  • Each of the Main Toons has a stat with 5 stars.
    • Despite Scraps, Glisten, Gigi, and Connie having a 5 star stat, they are not Main Toons.
  • Before 0.6.1, Bobette used to have a 5 star stat in both Skill Check and Stamina, making her first and only Toon that used to have 5 stars in 2 stats.
    • As of version 0.6.1, this has been changed, removing one star from her Skill Check and adding it to her Movement Speed.
  • Shrimpo is the Toon the least amount of stars, having only 5 stars; one star for each stat.
    • Shrimpo has the lowest Stealth in the game, having a value of -99.
      • This is due to his Passive Ability, Bully.
  • Dandy is the Toon with the most amount of stars, with 5 for each stat. He also has infinite Health.
    • This is because Dandy is a developer-exclusive character.
  1. Please add the stamina regeneration amount