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Toy Kit Trinket Limited Content

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Peppermint Icing is a Trinket found in Dandy's World. It is obtained by achieving 100% Research on Twisted Ginger.


Peppermint Icing appears to be a piping bag containing red icing containing small, dark red dots. The bag is tied with a pink and white striped bow. The piping tip is tightly jagged, implying a detailed output.


  • Best used with Toons with short cooldowns like Rudie, Scraps, and Toodles for continuous Stamina regeneration or quick getaways during certain situations. Using Peppermint Icing boosts their abilities into reliable resources, but as 30 Stamina is not a lot, should not be fully relied on. Using it for recovery between chases is a good strategy depending on the Toon.
  • Can be used along with Ghost Snakes In A Can or Sweet Charm on a Toon with a short cooldown, the prior being much more effective. The Rehearsal and Practice Cards are more useful to those using this Trinket.
  • Can be used with Gigi and Feather Duster to regen 50 Stamina per skill usage as her active ability counts as picking up an item. This is not recommended, however, due to her long cooldown.
  • Can be used with Toons that have low Stamina and active abilities like Gigi, Shelly, and Tisha. However, the listed have long cooldowns (other than tisha) so the Trinket isn't the best option.



Alarm AlarmBlushy Bat Blushy BatCardboard 'Armor' Cardboard 'Armor'Coin Purse Coin PurseMachine Manual Machine ManualMegaphone MegaphonePop Pack Pop PackPull Toy Pull ToySpeedometer SpeedometerSpeedy Shoes Speedy ShoesThermos ThermosThinking Cap Thinking CapWater Cooler Water CoolerWrench Wrench
Blue Bandana Blue BandanaBrick BrickClown Horn Clown HornFeather Duster Feather DusterPink Bow Pink BowSweet Charm Sweet Charm
Dog Plush Dog PlushFancy Purse Fancy PurseFishing Rod Fishing RodGhost Snakes In A Can Ghost Snakes In A CanMagnifying Glass Magnifying GlassRibbon Spool Ribbon SpoolSpare Bulb Spare Bulb
Crayon Set Crayon SetDiary DiaryFriendship Bracelet Friendship BraceletLucky Coin Lucky CoinVanity Mirror Vanity Mirror
Main Character
Bone BoneNight Cap Night CapParticipation Award Participation AwardSavory Charm Savory CharmVee's Remote Vee's Remote
LethalLethal Dandy Plush Dandy Plush
Coal (Trinket) Coal (Trinket)Festive Lights Festive LightsPeppermint Icing Peppermint IcingToy Kit Toy Kit