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Toy Kit Trinket Limited Content

This page is about limited-time content! The content shown on this page is only available during certain times of the year.

Ginger may be a little shy but has an eye for design! Her art is frosted into delicate details on her favorite baked goods! Though the taste may not be as lovely as the looks!
Introduction Card

Ginger the Cookie, also known as Ginger, is one of the 4 playable Holiday Toons in Dandy's World, added on January 10th, 2025, alongside Bobette, Coal, and Rudie. She is only available annually during the Christmas event, purchasable in Bobette's Store.


Ginger is a light brown cookie with the left side of her face being bitten off. She has reddish-pink eyeshadow with two sets of eyelashes and a pink blush. She has white frosting hair with reddish-pink sprinkles on it. She wears a reddish-pink sleeveless dress with a lighter striped pattern and a white collar as well as mauve and white striped stirrup leggings.


Ginger is a shy Toon as also stated in her introduction card. She seems somewhat insecure (as suggested in her dialogue with Bobette), and is slightly timid and socially awkward. However, she seems to love baking as much as Sprout and Cosmo do, and cares for her cousin (Cosmo), despite being unable to always be there for him and the other Toons, as she is a holiday Toon. She also tries to look for entertainment to keep her busy outside of holidays, proven in her interaction with Vee.


  • Use this Toon's Active Ability 25 times!
  • Pick up 35 Items!
  • Survive 30 Floors!
  • Survive 10 Floors with 2 other Players in your round!
  • Travel 55000 Meters!
  • Use 35 Items!

Reward: Vintage Ginger skin


While at first glance, Ginger's lower Movement Speed and rather average stats all around, paired with her ability that is very similar to her cousin's ability but with a longer cooldown, make her seem underwhelming, she finds her own usages in her very long range when using her active ability. Because of this range, Ginger will be able to heal distractors with a safety that other healers like Sprout and Cosmo will find hard to match. Instead of running the risk of attracting Twisteds that are being kited by distractors like Coal, Flutter, Goob, Looey, Pebble, Sprout, or Tisha, Ginger can distribute heals from what is almost the other side of the map. Ginger shares many of the same strategies in playstyle with Cosmo, due to their similar Stealth and and active ability, meaning that Bandages and Health Kits should be reserved for her as to allow healing to be spread out. Additionally, Ginger's 3 Statistics Star Skill Check stat allows her to safely extract in addition to her healing.

Trinket Combinations

Recommended Trinket combinations for Ginger:


  • Magnifying Glass + Options
    • This combination allows Ginger to take advantage of her average extraction stats and differentiate herself from the other healers, allowing her to act as a stealthy extractor, which doesn't impact much her supporting role for its high ability range. Some of the recomended options are: Participation Award, to maximize the Skill Check extraction; Pink Bow, to help Ginger escape twisteds and Vee's Remote, to complete dangerous machines, but it might be better paired with Pink Bow than Magnifying Glass.





Finishing extraction
All done...!
Ding! Finished to perfection...!
Oh! It's finished? That's nice...
Activating BakedWithCareSymbol Baked with Care! Ability
I decorated the cookie myself!
Might be a little bitter haha...
Quick! For you!
Descending to the next floor
Did I smudge my icing makeup...?
Do I smell a scent of cinnamon? Or is it just me?
I hope I'll have time to bake after this...
Interacting with Toons
Astro No interaction.
Bobette (1) Ginger Render
Bobette, is there something on my face...?
Bobette Render
Your makeup?
Ginger Render
Huh... well no, I mean... I suppose that counts.
Bobette Render
I think you did a great job with it!
Ginger Render
Ah... thank you.
Bobette (2) Bobette Render
Ginger! Its so lovely to have you around!
Ginger Render
Oh..! Yeah, thank you... Nice to see you as well.
Bobette Render
Thinking of making some of your sweet treats later?
Ginger Render
You'd be interested in some...?
Bobette Render
Of course! That's why I'm asking silly!
Boxten Ginger Render
Your turning key on the back of your head... it's sort of--
Boxten Render
Ginger Render
Boxten Render
It moves on its own really...! Spins when I'm really thinking on things.
Ginger Render
That's kind of neat in a way...!
Boxten Render
Heh, yeah guess it is!
Brightney No interaction.
Coal Ginger Render
Coal... have you been helping well with the presents?
Coal Render
Ginger Render
Coal Render
Ginger Render
Such a strong rock, so helpful!
Coal (2) Coal Render
Ginger Render
Oh! Uhm... Nice seeing you as well Coal.
Coal Render
Ginger Render
Easy girl... I'll give you a treat later...
Connie No interaction.
Cosmo Ginger Render
Cousin Cosmo! So happy to see you!
Cosmo Render
Hey Ginger, I am happy to have you around...!
Ginger Render
Yeah... don't get to see you too often haha...
Cosmo Render
Right, I understand why though, being a Holiday Toon and such.
Ginger Render
Mhm...! But if you need anything, let me know... truly!
Finn No interaction.
Flutter No interaction.
Gigi Ginger Render
...How many things can fit in your head?
Gigi Render
Uh like... A ga-zillion-billion things!
Ginger Render
Gigi Render
Glisten No interaction.
Goob No interaction.
Looey No interaction.
Pebble No interaction.
Poppy No interaction.
Razzle & Dazzle No interaction.
Rodger Ginger Render
How's your little investigations going...?
Rodger Render
Ah, they aren't little investigations! I'm uncovering a big picture.
Ginger Render
Rodger Render
Yes, plenty happens outside of the Christmas season when we see you lot most.
Ginger Render
...Right, I suppose I just forget sometimes.
Rudie (1) Ginger Render
Feeling festive my friend...?
Rudie Render
It's all I know! Hehe!
Ginger Render
Oh... Well when you say it like that it's a tad ominous.
Rudie (2) Rudie Render
Lalalah! I love Christmas!
Ginger Render
...Of course, uhm, but it's not really-
Rudie Render
It is the most festive time of the year!!
Ginger Render
Scraps No interaction.
Sprout Ginger Render
Sprout... How are you?
Sprout Render
Doing Good! Happy to have you around of course.
Ginger Render
Hehe... yeah, hope your baking has been well, I had some recipes to share.
Sprout Render
Oh yeah? Sounds like a good time! You'll have to show me the recipes soon.
Ginger Render
...Will do!
Shrimpo No interaction.
Shelly No interaction.
Teagan No interaction.
Toodles No interaction.
Tisha No interaction.
Vee Ginger Render
You know... Sometimes I binge your gameshow episodes...
Vee Render
Huh? Seriously? Just the gameshow segments in the seasons?
Ginger Render
Mhm... so much variety, so many outcomes with contestants.
Vee Render
Glad to know you Holiday Toons have things to keep you busy all year long.
Ginger Render


  • Ginger and Cosmo are cousins, as confirmed by Qwelver.[1]
  • Ginger, Coal, and Rudie are the first Toons to not cost Ichor.
  • Ginger is one of the first event Toons added to the game, along with Coal, Bobette and Rudie.
  • Ginger is the fourth Toon to have eyeshadow, the first being Flutter, the second being Teagan, and the third being Gigi.
  • Ginger is one of the few Toons whose ability ends with an exclamation mark; some other Toons who also have an exclamation mark in their ability's name include Gigi, Tisha, Goob, and Pebble.
  • Ginger binges Vee’s gameshow episodes, as confirmed in their dialogue.
  • While Ginger has a longer cooldown time than Cosmo, she has a farther range.
  • Originally, when Ginger’s vintage skin was equipped, she would have an angry expression when getting hurt instead of having her usual sad expression, this was changed in version 0.6.2.


  1. https://discord.com/channels/969934252844138496/970049062608961560/1325989419341189130


Boxten Render BoxtenBrightney Render BrightneyConnie Render ConnieCosmo Render CosmoFinn Render FinnFlutter Render FlutterGigi Render GigiGlisten Render GlistenGoob Render GoobLooey Render LooeyPoppy Render PoppyRazzle & Dazzle Render Razzle & DazzleRodger Render RodgerScraps Render ScrapsShrimpo Render ShrimpoTeagan Render TeaganTisha Render TishaToodles Render Toodles
Astro Render AstroPebble Render PebbleShelly Render ShellySprout Render SproutVee Render Vee
Bobette Render BobetteCoal Render CoalGinger Render GingerRudie Render Rudie
Dandy Render Dandy