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Debuffs are a gameplay mechanic. Currently there are three debuffs: Slow, Tired, and Confused, which come in 3 strengths: I, II, and III. The higher the number, the stronger the debuff.

These debuffs are applied either by Twisteds or Toon abilities. The only Twisteds who can inflict debuffs in the game right now are Twisted Astro Render Twisted Astro, Twisted Rodger Render Twisted Rodger, Twisted Vee Render Twisted Vee, Twisted Shelly Render Twisted Shelly, and Twisted Finn Render Twisted Finn. The only Toon ability that can inflict debuffs in-game is Glisten Render Glisten's.

Debuff Effect Level
Applied by Power Applied by Power Applied by Power
SlowSlow Reduced movement speed None 15%
Twisted Vee Render
25% Twisted Rodger RenderTwisted Finn Render 50%
TiredSleeping Reduced stamina regeneration None 25% None 50%
Twisted Astro Render
ConfusedConfused Reduced extraction speed
Twisted Shelly Render
25% None 50% Twisted Rodger RenderGlisten Render[1] 75%



  • Prior to version Alpha 0.3.0 Twisted Shelly inflicted ConfusedConfused II instead of ConfusedConfused I.
  • All debuff colors are based on stats respectively; Slow being yellow to represent Movement Speed, Tired being green to represent Stamina, and Confused being purple to represent Extraction Speed.
  • Prior to version Alpha 0.2.0 Twisted Vee did not apply the SlowSlow II debuff.
  • Being chased by Twisted Astro Render Twisted Astro is currently the only way to get the Tired debuff.
  • Glisten Render Glisten is the only Toon to apply a debuff.
  • The only logical way to get the SleepingTired I debuff is to get chased by Twisted Astro Render Twisted Astro as Astro, since Astro regenerates stamina 50% faster.
  1. Only applied when Active Ability is used for Glisten