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Toy Kit Trinket Limited Content

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Coal is a Trinket in Dandy's World. It can be obtained by achieving 100% Research on Twisted Coal.


This trinket is depicted as large, wide, black or dark grey chunks of coal consisting of three pieces of varying sizes but similar appearances. One piece is large, another is tiny, and the last is minuscule, appearing to have broken off from one of the other pieces. The smallest piece rests between its larger neighbors.


  • It is not recommended to use this Trinket unless you are seeking a challenge.
  • The one scenario where equipping this Trinket might be mildly viable is if you are playing as a Toon with very high movement speed and high or average stealth (e.g., Pebble or Razzle & Dazzle on odd floors) and intend to act as a distractor. To slightly mitigate the speed debuff associated with this Trinket, it is advised to pair it with speed-enhancing Trinkets like Dog Plush or Speedy Shoes.
    • While this strategy might slightly improve your ability to retain Twisteds as a distractor, using this Trinket is still strongly discouraged due to the significant movement speed reduction, even with speed-enhancing Trinkets. It is simply not worth it.
  • If you're really looking for a challenge, consider using this Trinket in combination with Brick while playing as Shrimpo or Connie.


  • This is the second Trinket that is purely disadvantageous to equip, the first being Brick.
  • This is also currently the only Trinket that decreases Stealth.
  • This is the third Trinket to share the same name as its respective Toon, following Vee's Remote for Vee and Dandy Plush for Dandy.
    • Additionally, this is the first and only Trinket to have the exact same title as its respective Toon.
  • This is the second Stealth-affecting Trinket in the game, first one being the Diary.
  • Using this Trinket with Shrimpo will instead increase his Stealth Stat to -89.1 instead. This is because if a Negative Number is subtracted by a Percentage, The Number will instead increase.
  • Qwel stated that at some point she will change the speed debuff of this trinket to 10%, instead of 20%


Alarm AlarmBlushy Bat Blushy BatCardboard 'Armor' Cardboard 'Armor'Coin Purse Coin PurseMachine Manual Machine ManualMegaphone MegaphonePop Pack Pop PackPull Toy Pull ToySpeedometer SpeedometerSpeedy Shoes Speedy ShoesThermos ThermosThinking Cap Thinking CapWater Cooler Water CoolerWrench Wrench
Blue Bandana Blue BandanaBrick BrickClown Horn Clown HornFeather Duster Feather DusterPink Bow Pink BowSweet Charm Sweet Charm
Dog Plush Dog PlushFancy Purse Fancy PurseFishing Rod Fishing RodGhost Snakes In A Can Ghost Snakes In A CanMagnifying Glass Magnifying GlassRibbon Spool Ribbon SpoolSpare Bulb Spare Bulb
Crayon Set Crayon SetDiary DiaryFriendship Bracelet Friendship BraceletLucky Coin Lucky CoinVanity Mirror Vanity Mirror
Main Character
Bone BoneNight Cap Night CapParticipation Award Participation AwardSavory Charm Savory CharmVee's Remote Vee's Remote
LethalLethal Dandy Plush Dandy Plush
Coal (Trinket) Coal (Trinket)Festive Lights Festive LightsPeppermint Icing Peppermint IcingToy Kit Toy Kit