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Poppy With Cards

Cards appearing during odd floors

Cards are a mechanic in Dandy's World. They can give permanent buffs or items, occurring on every odd-numbered floor. Players vote on which Cards get played, with the majority vote being the card selected. If a tie occurs, a card will be chosen randomly. 3 random cards will have a chance to appear until eventually voted for, and each card can only be used once. Once all cards, which will occur at floor 39, have been voted into the round, the prompt to vote on one will stop appearing and the elevator will simply move onto the next floor.

Certain cards are counted as "stackable" and have multiple variations, each of which provide the same effect with a different name. These cards can be taken multiple times to stack their effects or gain the effect multiple times. Keep in mind that each card variation will still only appear once.


Card Icon Card Name(s) Card Buff
  • First Aid
  • Medical Attention
Heals every Toon by 1 Heart if they are injured.
  • Blind Grab
  • Lost and Found
Every Toon will receive one random Item if they have an inventory slot open.
  • Spare Change
  • Penny Pincher
Every Toon receives 45 Tapes.
  • Frugal
Applies a 10% Discount to all Dandy's Shop items.
  • Decency
  • Etiquette
Add 5 seconds to the elevator panic timer.
  • Well-Paced
  • Endurance
Increases the max Stamina of all Toons by 10.
  • Sparkplug
Toons will glow slightly brighter during Blackouts.
  • Electrician
Decreases the chance of a Blackout occuring on future floors. (30% --> 25% max blackout chance, +2% --> +1.5% per floor)
  • Avaricious
  • Covetous
Slightly increases the chances of rarer items appearing on Floors and in Dandy's Shop.
  • Suppression
Reduces the amount of speed Twisteds gain in Panic Mode by 5%.
Tech Savvy Decreases the amount of time needed to fill up Machines by 5 seconds.
  • Rehearsal
  • Practice
Decreases Toon Active Ability cooldowns by 5 seconds.


  • Picking the Electrician Card during the intermission before Floor 3 will result in a Blackout chance of 4% instead of 4.5%.
  • There are currently 7 pairs of cards that work similarly together during the rest of the round.
    • Rehearsal and Practice
    • First Aid and Medical Attention
    • Decency and Etiquette
    • Well-Paced and Endurance
    • Spare Change and Penny Pincher
    • Blind Grab and Lost and Found
    • Avaricious and Covetous
  • The Sparkplug card has the same artwork as Brightney's ability.
  • Same as Brightney, Gigi also has the same artwork as the Blind Grab/Lost and Found card in her ability's artwork.