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Toy Kit Trinket Limited Content

This page is about limited-time content! The content shown on this page is only available during certain times of the year.

Happy Holidays! What can I help you with?
Dialogue in Bobette's Store

Bobette the Bauble, also referred to as Bobette, is one of the 4 playable Holiday Toons and one of the 6 playable Main Characters in Dandy's World. She was introduced on January 10, 2025, alongside Coal Render Coal, Ginger Render Ginger, and Rudie Render Rudie. Bobette Render Bobette is exclusively available during the annual Christmas Event and can be purchased from Bobette's Store.


Bobette is a red bauble with darker red markings on her face and feet. She has a metal part that attaches to a hook on her head. She wears a sweater with a white fur boa at the ends and a variety of shades of green for the patterns.


Bobette is an enthusiastic and cheerful Toon who thrives in the festive spirit of Christmas. She is affectionate, playful, and constantly spreads joy to others, often making light-hearted comments and involving herself in holiday-themed activities. Bobette's friendly nature shines through in her interactions with others, whether she's encouraging friends like Sprout Render Sprout to team up with Ginger Render Ginger for gingerbread house-making or inviting Vee Render Vee to join in on cozy traditions like hot cocoa and cookies in their interactions. She is upbeat, optimistic, and seems genuinely grateful for her experiences, embodying the fun and warmth of the holiday season. Her love for Christmas is infectious, and she enjoys sharing that cheer with everyone around her.


Reward: Vintage Bobette skin


Bobette's active ability, PreciousPackagingSymbol Precious Packaging, is incredibly useful. Despite you not being able to move, this ability can help you get out of very difficult situations. Twisteds will immediately lose interest in you, including Twisted Dandy Render Twisted Dandy, so when you pop out of the gift box, you will usually be safe. It is important to note that a Twisted may come to your location while you are still in the box, so you must be careful.

Bobette's active ability also allows her to assist distractors if they lose sight of any Twisteds by bringing back the Twisteds to the distractor and using the ability to be safe afterwards, though this is a small niche. In most cases, the distractor will be able to retrieve them themselves if they have an AirHorn Air Horn, or are playing Pebble Render Pebble who can use his ability. She can also be quite useful for distracting high speed Twisteds (such as Twisted Bobette Render Twisted Bobette, Twisted Coal Render Twisted Coal (during Blackouts), Twisted Glisten Render Twisted Glisten, or Twisted Pebble Render Twisted Pebble), as her low Stealth and high Stamina allow her to lure the Twisteds far away, after which she can save herself from any harm by using her ability. Though, she doesn't necessarily need to if she can simply hide after she's brought Twisteds far away from the crowd.

Bobette is useful to have when it comes to many things. Her 4 Statistics Star Skill Check stat allows her to be a decent extractor (especially with Magnifying Glass Magnifying Glass/Participation Award Participation Award), and her mobility is above average with a 5 Statistics Star Stamina stat and a 3 Statistics Star Movement Speed stat, allowing her to escape Twisteds easily. Not to mention, her ability, which can be used at choking points in the map to avoid taking hits due to her 2 Heart hearts. Interestingly, Bobette's ability can be used while Twisted Goob Render Twisted Goob/Twisted Scraps Render Twisted Scraps is aiming their shot at her. If it is timed quickly enough, she will not lose any Heart hearts, although she will still be pulled towards Twisted Goob Render Twisted Goob as usual. This can allow you to tank shots for teammates that have trouble escaping those two Twisteds.

All of the previous information, along with her 2 Statistics Star Stealth stat makes her a very good solo Toon. She has the survivability and extraction prowess to make it far in the right hands, although she does require some caution, given her status as a Main Character decreasing her Heart heart count.

Trinket Combinations

Recommended Trinket combinations for Bobette Render Bobette:



  • Dog Plush Dog Plush/Speedy Shoes Speedy Shoes
    • This combination of Trinkets aids Bobette Render Bobette with distraction, increasing her walking and running speed. This may be a more reliable combination for full-time distractors than Ribbon Spool Ribbon Spool/Clown Horn Clown Horn, as it provides 5% more walking speed but 5% less running speed.




Finishing extraction
Aha! Got it.
Happy Holidays!
I wish everything was as easy as that!
Activating PreciousPackagingSymbol Precious Packaging Ability
Nicely wrapped up for the Holidays!
Packaged with care!
Taking cover!
Descending to the next floor
Honestly I'm just happy to be here!
I feel so festive!
This sweater is a little itchy...
Interacting with Toons
Astro Bobette Render
I'd love a good winter-wonderland dream tonight!
Astro Render
Bobette Render
With snow... and whimsy... and cheer!
Astro Render
Bobette Render
Astro? Pretty please? With a big cherry on top!
Astro Render
I'll try...?
Boxten No interaction.
Brightney No interaction.
Coal (1) Bobette Render
Coal! Who's a good girl? You are! You are!
Coal Render
... Bwoof.
Bobette Render
Aww my cute pet rock!
Coal Render
Bobette Render
You could never do any wrong, ever.
Coal (2) Coal Render
Bobette Render
Awww what is it girl? Love seeing me?
Coal Render
Bwoof, bwork.
Bobette Render
You're the best pet I could ever ask for...
Coal Render
... Bwoof.
Connie No interaction.
Cosmo No interaction.
Finn No interaction.
Flutter No interaction.
Gigi No interaction.
Ginger (1) Bobette Render
Ginger! It's so lovely to have you around!
Ginger Render
Oh..! Yeah, thank you... Nice to see you as well.
Bobette Render
Thinking of making some of your sweet treats later?
Ginger Render
You'd be interested in some...?
Bobette Render
Of course! That's why I'm asking silly!
Ginger (2) Ginger Render
Bobette, is there something on my face...?
Bobette Render
Your makeup?
Ginger Render
Huh... well no, I mean... I suppose that counts.
Bobette Render
I think you did a great job with it!
Ginger Render
Ah... thank you.
Glisten No interaction.
Goob No interaction.
Looey No interaction.
Pebble Bobette Render
Aw so cute...!
Pebble Render
Bark! Arf!
Bobette Render
You remind me of Coal when I first got her, so tiny!
Pebble Render
Bobette Render
--I mean! So very big and strong!
Poppy No interaction.
Razzle & Dazzle No interaction.
Rodger No interaction.
Rudie (1) Rudie Render
I looove Christmas!
Bobette Render
Haha yeah me too...!
Rudie Render
. . .
Bobette Render
Rudie Render
We sure do love Christmas.
Bobette Render
...Happens once a year.
Rudie (2) Bobette Render
I love giving gifts to my friends!
Rudie Render
Good thing it's Christmas!
Bobette Render
Rudie Render
Bobette Render
It's not Christmas buddy.
Rudie Render
I know it's Christmas, in my heart!!!
Scraps No interaction.
Shelly Bobette Render
After this I have to really focus on finishing my craft projects...
Shelly Render
Well I wish you luck! I myself like to sew a little.
Bobette Render
You sew...? I thought your thing was dinosaurs?
Shelly Render
I can have my little side hobbies, haha... Don't you?
Bobette Render
Uhm... haha... probably, I mean yeah sure, I do.
Shrimpo Bobette Render
You might be on the naughty list to be honest...
Shrimpo Render
Bobette Render
Shrimpo Render
Bobette Render
Oh...uhm ok... sorry?
Sprout Bobette Render
Sooo, ever make a gingerbread house?
Uhm, Nah, I mean I've tried but it fell apart.
Bobette Render
Maybe you should invite Ginger to help next time!
Oh yeah Cosmo's cousin? She's great at decorating stuff.
Bobette Render
Teagan No interaction.
Tisha No interaction.
Toodles No interaction.
Vee Bobette Render
Mmm, I could go for some cookies and hot cocoa...
Vee Render
You could talk with Teagan about that.
Bobette Render
Oh yeah! Would you want to join if I asked her?
Vee Render
. . .
Bobette Render
Oh! Right... You don't really drink or eat...


Audio Description
TBA Bobette Render Bobette activating her active ability


  • Bobette Render Bobette has two UGC Items, those being Bobette's Head Bobette's Head and Bobette Eve Sleeper's Head Bobette Eve Sleeper's Head.
  • Bobette Render Bobette is the second chubby Toon, the first being Dandy Render Dandy, as confirmed by Qwelver.[1]
  • Bobette Render Bobette is one of the first event Toons added to the game, along with Coal Render Coal, Ginger Render Ginger, and Rudie Render Rudie.
  • Bobette had 5 Statistics Star Skill Check and 2 Statistics Star Movement Speed, but soon it got swapped to 4 Statistics Star Skill Check and 3 Statistics Star Movement Speed.
  • Bobette Render Bobette is the 3rd Toon to have 5 Statistics Star Stamina, first being Scraps Render Scraps, and second being Sprout Render Sprout.
  • Bobette Render Bobette is the only Holiday Toon to cost Ichor Icon Ichor.
  • Currently, Bobette Render Bobette is the only Toon whose screen is halved, one having the special Christmas gradient and the other having the Main Character gradient.
  • Currently, Bobette Render Bobette is the first Main Character not to have a Toon Handler shown.
  • Bobette Render Bobette is the only Toon who can't climb the benches at the lobby.
  • Bobette Render Bobette was supposed to have a unique dialogue sound, being a jingle bell. However, due to a mistake this does not play in-game, this is planned to be fixed soon.
    • This makes her the only playable Main Character without a unique sound effect until further notice.


  1. https://discord.com/channels/969934252844138496/1251545388259741768/1325977099370102877


Boxten Render BoxtenBrightney Render BrightneyConnie Render ConnieCosmo Render CosmoFinn Render FinnFlutter Render FlutterGigi Render GigiGlisten Render GlistenGoob Render GoobLooey Render LooeyPoppy Render PoppyRazzle & Dazzle Render Razzle & DazzleRodger Render RodgerScraps Render ScrapsShrimpo Render ShrimpoTeagan Render TeaganTisha Render TishaToodles Render Toodles
Astro Render AstroPebble Render PebbleShelly Render ShellySprout Render SproutVee Render Vee
Bobette Render BobetteCoal Render CoalGinger Render GingerRudie Render Rudie
Dandy Render Dandy