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Blackouts are a floor event in Dandy's World. They are currently the only Floor event (as of v0.6.3) that can occur.


When a Blackout is active, all environmental lights on the current Floor will be disabled, including miscellaneous light sources such as projectors. Blackouts cannot occur before Floor 3, and upon passing Floor 3, the chance of a Blackout occurring will start at 5%. It increases by 2% after every completed Floor, capping at 30%.


  • Certain Cards can affect Blackouts and help you better handle them. These include:
    • Sparkplug: Sparkplug increases the light radius for all Toons during a Blackout.
      • Do note the increased radius is incredibly weak.
    • Electrician: Electrician lowers the chance increase per floor to 1.5% and decreases the max Blackout chance to 25%.
  • Equip the Spare Bulb Trinket to increase the light radius of your Toon: This can also help increase the radius of light-producing Toons.
  • Reduce your graphics quality to 1-3: This causes the light radius to be a bit larger than usual, along with heavily reducing shadows and reflections that may inhibit vision.
  • Transparent material allows you to see farther than usual in a Blackout:[1] This includes Rodger's lens, Gigi’s cap lid, Machines, and windows. Use this to your advantage while navigating routes and threats.
  • Have Vee or Brightney locate Twisteds: This can be used to identify and notify you of the threats you will encounter on the current floor.

Light-Producing Toons[]

If the Toon has a lightbulb icon next to their abilities in the selection screen, they produce more light than other Toons during Blackouts.

Toon Produced Color of Light (Original) Produced Color of Light (Skins)
Blue White (Vintage)
Blue (Star-Time)
Orange (Starry Night)
White White (Vintage/Antique Shade)
Cyan White (Vintage)
Pink (Frosty Mittens)
Red White (Vintage)
Blue (Blue Bell)
Vee Render
Green White (Vintage)
Blue (Star-Time)
Purple (Cosmic Signal)

Associated Twisteds[]

Currently, there are only two Twisteds that affect or are affected by Blackouts:

Twisted Brightney Render

Twisted Brightney[]

  • Twisted Brightney can reroll the chance of a Blackout if it fails to occur on the Floor she's on, causing the chances to increase. She is easier to see at all times than other Twisteds due to her bright red light.
    • If the roll is successful, there will be flickering noises on the lights for approximately 2 to 3 seconds before cutting off. This though provides information of Twisted Brightney being on the Floor.
    • Twisted Rudie processes red light like her, but he does not own any ability caused towards or by Blackouts.
Twisted Coal Render

Twisted Coal[]

  • During this event, Twisted Coal’s stats will drastically change throughout the Floor.
  • Her speed changes from 15 to 25, almost as fast as Twisted Pebble, and her detection range is increased.
  • The attention span seems to be decreased, making it easier to lose her.



  • The Blackout is the first and currently only Floor event in Dandy's World, as of v0.6.3.
  • Twisted Brightney is the only Twisted to affect a Floor event, being able to reroll the chance of a Blackout occurring if it fails to activate.
  • Coincidentally, most of the light-producing Toons are similar in some way; Astro and Connie have a 5Statistics Star Stealth stat, while Vee and Brightney have lower Stealth stats, but have abilities that function very similarly to one another.
    • Rudie is the only exception to this rule.
  1. Due to ROBLOX's rendering not working very well with fog, seeing through transparent objects is clearer than other kinds.